Board of Comissioners

Dewan Komisaris dipilih dan diangkat melalui RUPS (Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham). Pada intinya Dewan Komisaris merupakan perwakilan pemilik pada perusahaan yang memastikan misi dan visi pemegang saham tercapai.

Tugas Dewan Komisaris termasuk memastikan Dewan Direksi mencapai targetnya, mengawasi dan memberikan nasehat kepada Dewan Direksi dan memastikan kalau Global Corporate Governance diikuti dan ditaati.

Luh Putu Eka Susanti Mastra, SE, MBA

Name : Luh Putu Eka Susanti Mastra, SE, MBA
Role : Head of Commissioner
Email :
Department : Board of Commisioners

Description :


Ms Mastra is a US graduate with years of experiences in the banking, corporate, and finance sectors. She spent close to 20 years in the US collectively. She spent numbers of years in the State of Pennsylvania where she did her MBA, a few years in the State of Arizona where she was part of the team that was responsible for American Express Co. SEC Reporting and then finally lived in New York City where she lead Million dollars project relating to American Express Company's profitability and client incentive structure and lead a group of Financial Planner and Analysts before she decided to return to her hometown in Bali. During her professional tenure in the United States, she managed teams of Finance, Accounting, IT personels, Business Transformation, Legal, FP&A and Controllerships around the globe. 

With all of these experiences under her belt, she was expected to bring a modern corporate culture touch into Sutra's young and growing company.

Ms Mastra's open management policy can be seen on how she decorates her new office in Tabanan, very American style, boxes, glasses yet no boundaries. She also builds close relationship with her entire team. She thinks that employees come first, and customers second; a notion she quoted from a CEO and President of a company she used to work for, Mr Hal Rosenbluth.

Ms Mastra's visual in bringing BPR Sutra ahead and grow sustainably will only be achieved by applying the core values of the company and remain true to company's mission and vision.  BPR Sutra has been growing substantially since the acquisition of the institution by the new Shareholders.

This recently married lady loves city biking, golfing, traveling, reading good books and salsa dancing. 

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