Board of Comissioners

Dewan Komisaris dipilih dan diangkat melalui RUPS (Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham). Pada intinya Dewan Komisaris merupakan perwakilan pemilik pada perusahaan yang memastikan misi dan visi pemegang saham tercapai.

Tugas Dewan Komisaris termasuk memastikan Dewan Direksi mencapai targetnya, mengawasi dan memberikan nasehat kepada Dewan Direksi dan memastikan kalau Global Corporate Governance diikuti dan ditaati.

Putu Arnaya SE

Name : Putu Arnaya SE
Role : Commissioner
Email :
Department : Board of Commisioners

Description :



Mr Arnaya is a very seasoned banker with years of experience in managing a major national bank in Indonesia. He also had a few years experience with Micro Financing under his belt. 

Sutra is  very fortunate to have an individual who's very strong in the banking industry and very adapt to changes. He has the charisma and the ability to put control into the Company's day to day processes.

Mr Arnaya and his beautiful wife has three beautiful daughters who are now grown. Mr Arnaya never misses jogging in the afternoon after work and loves to meet new people.



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