Your journey with BPR Sutra begins here. Be part of a fantastic group of people and be involved in driving the micro institutions into a larger force in the economy.
Build your skills and experience with us. We offer college students, graduates and post graduates an unparralled mix of formal training and real world experience.
Current career opportunities with PT BPR Sutra will appear below.
IT Support
Experience / qualifications
1.Pendidikan Minimak SMK
2. Memiliki Pengalaman Kerja bidang IT .
3.Menguasai Windows, OS, Microsoft Offisce
4.Mampu mengoperasikan Software Editing
5.Memiliki Keterampilan Manajemen Waktu
6.Mengistal dan mengonfigurasi perangkat
keras, perangkat lunak, sistem, jaringan dan
pemindai komputer.
7.Memantau dan memelihara sistem dan
jaringan komputer.
8.Menanggani masalah dan permintaan
layanan secara tepat waktu dll.
9.Penempatan bekerja Tabanan
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Additional File
- File 1: itsupport.jpeg
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